Thursday, March 19, 2009

Skywatch Friday

I have been down to downtown Vancouver a lot lately for Doctor's appointments and so have taken the Vancouver skyline pictures on some really nice sunny days and again here on a not so nice cloudy cold day. It snowed in the morning but melted quickly and we were left with gray rainy skies. Looking to the left into Vancouver.
Looking towards the right of Vancouver.
Looking far to the left, you can see the water in the background.
For viewing other skywatch Friday photos, please visit


  1. I like the sky you captured. The clouds are billowy and puffy. They make very cool shots.

    Thanks for stopping by at my site.

    Take care : )

  2. I've seen similar skies this week just south of Vancouver. Rain, rain, go away!

  3. I like your photos they almost look like paintings

  4. Great cloudy Vancouver. Gray skies over large cities are always facinating. Hope your skies clear soon and you get some great sunshine. Thanks for sharing.

  5. Nice shots of the city.
    Happy first Day of Spring!

  6. kind of an ominous looking sky.
    have a wonderful weekend.

  7. Gosh, Vancouver has changed since I saw it last. Nice sky shots.

  8. Oh, that is the Vancouver I'm familiar with: my brother lives there and when I visit, it's always raining! LOL ... ;-) Love the view of the mtns when the clouds hang low.

  9. Great shots - so cottoney - almost comforting, they are so soft!


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