Tuesday, March 24, 2009

More Pictures of my Mom and family!

My Uncle Bob who is my last surviving Uncle has been going through old pictures of his and has found some more pictures that he has sent out to the rest of the family. I love seeing these old pictures and wonder about each of the stories that each one has to tell. I'll never get to ask my Mom about each of them but seeing them brings her memory a little bit closer to me. Here is Mom, and I am not sure who the baby is but maybe its me!! Uncle Bob was not sure if it was.
This picture is of my Grandfather, he is in the middle of the picture sitting down. Grandpa worked for the railroad and took care of the tracks. Here is a couple of his crew members.

Here is my Grandparents, uncles and my Mom with one of their dogs sitting on one of the railcars.

My Mom standing in a field of alpine flowers. Mom and the family lived in the Rocky Mountains at the base of Mount Robson.
My mother was a nurse. Here she is in her nursing Graduation Picture.
I often wonder at times when I look at these pictures if Mom managed to live the life she dreamed of when she was the little girl growing up in these pictures. Did she get to do all the things she wanted to do? What were those dreams she fulfilled or what dreams did she have that fell by the wayside. I wish to have known the person she was in these pictures as well as the person I did know her to be in the years I did know her.
I'd ask her these things now if I had the chance. I wish for my kids to have that opportunity now to ask me the questions while they still have the chance to ask me. I regret not having that chance.
I miss my Mom at times. Certain things remind me of that. Like these pictures.

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