Monday, February 23, 2009

The Simple Woman's Daybook

For Today...

Outside my window.... It is morning, a cloudy day but the air feels warm and the sun is trying to peek through. I think the day will be dry-a good day to go for a long walk.

From the kitchen.... its quiet there right now but I am going to make my Hubby a big breakfast when he wakes up!! Steak and Eggs and Toast.

I am wearing.... Blue Jeans, a blue striped long sleeve top and my New Balance runners.

I am creating.... Plans for my brother's visit this week. He arrives on Wednesday!!

I am going.... To finish up house chores today and make sure the house is clean and ready for his visit.

I am reading.... Lost by Stephanie Meyer, the same author who wrote the Twilight series.

I am hoping.... That my hubby wakes up soon! I am hungry!!

I am hearing.... the hum of my computer and the occasional tires of the cars outside in the cul-de-sac.

Around the house.... it is a quiet peaceful morning, everyone but me is sleeping. I like these quiet moments, it allows me time to gather my thoughts.

One of my favorite things.... is the Coffee Frother my sister gave me for Christmas this year. Coffee in the morning seems so much more sophisticated when it wears a frothy layer of creamy bubbles.

A few plans for the rest of the week are.... planning my brother's visit here so we have fun things to do and visit. He loves being a tourist in town. And I work for the next two days as well then the rest of the week off to enjoy!!

Here is picture thought I am sharing..... I found this lovely park bench in the middle of a huge Community garden I discovered last week. I just think it looks so inviting to sit down on for a spell and enjoy the sights, sounds around you and contemplate. Life rushes by fast enough it just calls to slow down for a minute and take a breather.
You are invited to participate in and read other women's contributions to the Daybook.
Enjoy your day!!!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a wonderful day was in the making this morning ... Hope it unfolded in that way too. :-)


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