Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Mexican Chicken Fajita Casserole

My brother Mark had plans of coming over for a few days visit but had to cancel because of a terrible cold he came down with. This was the meal we planned on for his first day of his visit and it is such a good casserole and I had bought all the ingredients for it that we decided to make it anyways.
Here is the recipe for it. I tweak it a little by adding corn kernals to it and also a bit of salsa to the tomato mix. It is very easy to make, looks really impressive, smells wonderful while it is cooking. Your guests will think you went to a whole lot of bother for them and you don't have to tell them otherwise!! Here is the cast of Ingredients. It doesn't take much but it sure looks like lots when its assembled!!
Chop all your fresh vegetables. Grate the garlic cloves. You can use whatever vegetables you like it all tastes good!!
Chop your fresh or frozen boneless Chicken Breasts into small pieces. I used four breasts for this recipe.
In large skillet, add Olive Oil and cook the chicken and the vegetables together.
In a large bowl, mix together tomato sauce, refried beans, Fajita spice mix and salsa together.
Grate together your cheeses. I used a combination of Mozzarella and Cheddar cheese.
Add all your cooked chicken and vegetable mixture to the tomato bean mixture and stir together.
Assemble all the parts and ready to assemble your casserole.
In the bottom of a large rectangular pan, layer first tomato mix, cover with soft tortillas, then layer again the tomato mix and cover that with cheese.
Cover each layer with a good helping of cheese!!
Repeat all the layers until the ingredients are all used up. End with a good thick cheese layer.
Cover with tin foil, bake in a 375 degree oven for thirty minutes. Remove foil cover and continue baking for another 20 minutes until golden brown and bubbly.
Let sit for about 15 minutes to let the juices reabsorb and bubbling to settle, then cut yourself a big slice and enjoy!!!
You can make this spicy if you like that by adding some hot sauce etc to the tomato sauce mixture and you can garnish with chopped cilantro if you like.
You can serve this with sour cream and salsa and chopped avacado as well.
This really lends itself to anything your imagination can dream of.


  1. This looks yummy! Also reminds me that one of Mr Bean's favorite foods is bannock and not just 'any' bannock. He always asks me to bring along Bear Boy's recipe. Every time I make it for Mr Bean, I not only get to see him smile, I get to think of Bear Boy, and you, and our last visit which was so much fun!! Love, Jane

  2. I can't wait to try this mouth-watering recipe; thanks!!

  3. wth! You can't even type out a recipe instead you choose to "photo" a magazine. Sheesh I've heard of azy, but that's up there with the best of the best lazy. I would love to try this recipe - but seeing as how I can't even read it - I guess I will be moving on...

  4. Good riddance to bluehz!!! What a poor attitude!

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  8. I made this for dinner tonight, and it was great! Hubby just went back for seconds, so it has to be good. I think the corn was a good additions. Thanks!!


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