Sunday, October 26, 2008

Today's Flowers

Just a picture of Wild Roses I happened upon recently on a holiday weekend. One of the things I liked about them was how gracefully they are going about dying. Even with petals missing, leaves curling and changing colours and bare rosehips around, they still go dignified and gracefully to their demise. Fall is like that all around. Leaves dying, flowers wilting, trees becoming bare and stark against a fall sky, it does not pass soundlessly into the night. It goes out with a blaze of colour, rains down from the sky and carpets the earth, nurturing the soil in preparation for another spring. It all knows its not the end but really only a beginning. Really it is a beautiful thing.

Friday, October 24, 2008

Skywatch Friday

Last weekend my husband and I went to Harrison Hotsprings Hotel and Resort for the weekend to celebrate his birthday. Saturday morning as we were sitting having breakfast in a local restaurant we saw these four planes flying over the lake. It was early morning and the sky was partly cloudy. The start of a beautiful and warm fall day!

Here they are heading off over the mountain. It was a pleasant surprise to see them and as well to have the camera out and ready to capture the moment!!

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Today's Flower

This is going back into recent flower pictures I took last summer, actually before I bought myself the Nikon I use now. This was done in the camera, just ramped up the light until it became almost x-ray like.
Hope you like.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Skywatch Friday

A picture of the skies over the Apple Orchard here in town, the day we went to get apples for the Thanksgiving Apple Pie I baked. (A few posts back!!) It was a beautiful day for picking.
Hope you enjoy!!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Things to be grateful about....

I have my health, even if my body sometimes feels older than it actually is.
Wonderful clear blue skies on a cool and crisp fall day.
Supper and wine at the neighbour's house, good friendships.
A long chat with my son tonight. Man, I miss that boy.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Apple Pie and a Chicken

I can never get the order right for putting pictures in here, sometimes they go in backwards, sometimes not. Anyways, there I go digressing again....
The Apple pie pictured here is amazing in that I don't bake pies. This is the first pie I have baked in over 15 years. I am not good with crusts at all. I can do filling but the wheres and whys of crusts escape me.
You can tell on the crust that it is a sorry looking thing. I got the bottom crust okay but the top crust just fell apart. I finally gave up and took chunks of dough, rolled them into long strands and laid them over the top of the pie.
This was what it looked like when it was all put together. Kind of sad and ugly don't you think!!
This chicken thinks so. And it was ever so glad it was not the Thanksgiving Turkey that we all scarfed down last night before the pie.
Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving!!!

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Today's Flowers

Here is a Dahlia from the summer past. It reminds me of those paper wreaths we used to make when we were kids, for Christmas decoration for the door.
Does anyone remember those??
Anyways, I am always a bit sad to see these works of nature disappear for another year. Summer seems so far away when you have to wait for flowers like these.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Skywatch Friday

I had to go into my pictures to find a picture for Skywatch Friday so here is a picture over the skies of Victoria, B.C. Right now I would like to be on a plane jetting away to someplace calm and rejuvenating to take the stress away.
Do you ever look up into the skies when you see a plane go by and wonder, I wonder where that plane is going?? I do it all the time. And at times I wish I could be on that plane.
On a very sad note, this is my cat Minnie. I came home on Tuesday to find Minnie had passed away. She was only 10 years old and I thought she was in good health. I don't know why she died. My other cat, Speed is totally lost. He is 8 years old and has lived his life with her. My hubby is devastated, He was Minnie's "human". He is very sad.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Today's Flower.

I don't know what kind of flower this is, I took it at my friends place in her garden. I love this flower. It has bling!!
I did not do anything to it in photoshop. I love it the way it is. Hope you do too!!!

Breast Cancer

October here is Breast Cancer Awareness month and today was the CIBC Breast Cancer Walk for the Cure.
I can't think of anyone who cannot say they are not in some way touched by this devestating disease. For myself, my mother and her mother, my grandmother both suffered breast cancer in thier lifetime. For my mother, that breast cancer metastisized to other areas and she died 15 years ago now. Not a day goes by that I don't miss her or my grandmother.
We have a fellow co-worker now who was just recently diagnosed with breast cancer.Her name is Arlene, she is in the middle of the picture below with the tan colour sweater and sunglasses on. She is only 37 years old and the mom of two young children, the kids standing by her in the picture. She has a long battle ahead of her and if prayers count for anything then she has a lot of support. Everyone in the picture is all part of Team Arlene. We were originally named the Nipple Nuts but thought maybe that might be a bit over the top so changed our name.
Everyone who had teams participating had a sign up along the way. We had to pose in front of it of course!!
Everyone warmed up before the 5 km. walk to the tune of "I Would Walk 500 miles".
We all completed the walk in an hour or so and then after went out for lunch at the local pub to celebrate a bit of life.
If you have any prayers, please send one out for Arlene and for everyone who is touched by this horrible disease.

Friday, October 3, 2008

Skywatch Friday.

I went out after work with my camera and snapped this picture of the eastern sky. Doesn't it look like its fallen!!!
Chicken Little would think so.
It is a cool, rainy damp day and the weatherman says that is what we have to look forward to for the next while.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Anyone seen Dew Drops around???

Not these drops silly!!! I mean the blogger by the name of Dew Drops. She seems to have dropped off the face of Blogland since last Sunday.
I have it on good authority that she is being worked to death this past week. So much overtime keeps her away.
Next time I see her I will send her back this way!!