Sunday, October 5, 2008

Breast Cancer

October here is Breast Cancer Awareness month and today was the CIBC Breast Cancer Walk for the Cure.
I can't think of anyone who cannot say they are not in some way touched by this devestating disease. For myself, my mother and her mother, my grandmother both suffered breast cancer in thier lifetime. For my mother, that breast cancer metastisized to other areas and she died 15 years ago now. Not a day goes by that I don't miss her or my grandmother.
We have a fellow co-worker now who was just recently diagnosed with breast cancer.Her name is Arlene, she is in the middle of the picture below with the tan colour sweater and sunglasses on. She is only 37 years old and the mom of two young children, the kids standing by her in the picture. She has a long battle ahead of her and if prayers count for anything then she has a lot of support. Everyone in the picture is all part of Team Arlene. We were originally named the Nipple Nuts but thought maybe that might be a bit over the top so changed our name.
Everyone who had teams participating had a sign up along the way. We had to pose in front of it of course!!
Everyone warmed up before the 5 km. walk to the tune of "I Would Walk 500 miles".
We all completed the walk in an hour or so and then after went out for lunch at the local pub to celebrate a bit of life.
If you have any prayers, please send one out for Arlene and for everyone who is touched by this horrible disease.

1 comment:

  1. My mom and sis past away bcos of cncer. My sis had breast canser. Both of them were around 38.


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