Friday, October 24, 2008

Skywatch Friday

Last weekend my husband and I went to Harrison Hotsprings Hotel and Resort for the weekend to celebrate his birthday. Saturday morning as we were sitting having breakfast in a local restaurant we saw these four planes flying over the lake. It was early morning and the sky was partly cloudy. The start of a beautiful and warm fall day!

Here they are heading off over the mountain. It was a pleasant surprise to see them and as well to have the camera out and ready to capture the moment!!


  1. Nice shots! What a wonderful thing to spot unexpectedly....and have the camera handy :-)

  2. What a nice surprise and it's a good think you had the camera. Great shots too. :-)

  3. Well that is cool! Great pics!
    Cheers, Klaus

    P.S.: Please be so kind to link back from your post to the main Skywatch site, to invite Skywatchers to see more skies from all over the world!
    Thank you!

  4. Interesting - do you know what type of plane they were?

  5. My daughter laughs at me and tells me that I really need to get a life because every time a pair of Military planes flies low over our house I run to watch them till they are out of sight. That scene you captured would have captivated me too.
    Thanks for coming by earlier!

  6. awesome plane shots :) glad you had your camera out and ready!


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