Saturday, March 1, 2014

Cold Winter's Day

Oh and do I mean cold!! It is -26 Celcius with a windchill that brings down the temperature to -33 degrees.
These photos come from one of our local parks, called Strathcona Park. It is located along the Saskatchewan River and has beautiful walking trails that follow along the river. It is only about 5 kilometers from our house too, what could be better than that!
Quite a few of the walking paths have cute little bridges to go over. 

A bit of a reflection! 


  1. Wonderful photos of nature... Reflection of a small bridge in a puddle is adorable...

  2. Beautiful captures. When it is warmer, that would be a nice walk to take. It is -27C here this morning in West Central Minnesota. Stay warm!

  3. «Louis» is delighted that you linked this fine post to his Sunday Bridges meme! :-)

  4. Wonderfull landscapes, love much the shot reflections, greeting from Belgium

  5. No wonder so many Canadians go south for the winter- I have not seem temperatures that cold since I lived in Alaska. Lovely reflections and shadows in your photos.

  6. You're very brave to be enjoying this beautiful park in this nasty cold weather! I've opted to stay indoors as much as possible with a blanket and a good show or book.

    When the weather warms more, I want to visit this park. These photos are so beautiful! (PS It looks like we live in the same city!)

    Happy Sunday!

  7. lovely walk photos and reflection is great!
    same temps here today in 'winter'peg!
    thx for sharing =)

  8. The shadows are lovely, and the snow seems to be vanishing at last!

    Nestling in Shadows

  9. warm wishes, these are really nice scenes

    much love...

  10. The lighting, the colours, the shadows create such wondrous scenes of extraordinary beauty. The first scene particularly is beautiful.


I very much appreciate and Thank You for all of your kind comments!