Saturday, October 12, 2013


Its been an exciting week here. I finally got rid of my crutches last week, which is a huge step in recovery, pardon the pun! A few flare ups in pain but so far its all good. So nice to be free of those crutches. 
 My brother Brian was out for a visit from his home town of Victoria. He was here for a week. We took him to the airport today for his flight home. The week's visit went by so fast, its hard to believe sometimes how fast time flies!
And my brand new Niece Kenedee was born yesterday! She kept everyone waiting a week past due date and finally made her entrance yesterday evening.  Hubby and I went up to the hospital today after dropping Brian off at the airport to finally meet this little one!
And almost overnight Autumn has arrived. Fall colours are everywhere. These few pictures were taken outside of the airport terminal. One thing about chain link fences that always seem to attract my eye is all the things that get caught in the links. Things that should of moved on long ago but just seems to stick around. We all have moments like that, we can't seem to let some things go.

There are some moments that we should keep tucked away forever as well. 
I will keep that moment I first laid eyes on my niece Kenedee, saw that little shock of dark hair on her little head, her pink skin, the tiny folds under her neck, her little ears. Her beautiful blue eyes. I won't get that moment again,  and I will treasure that little gift!

I'll have some photos in later posts of her, come back later and check it out! 

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