Sunday, October 20, 2013

A Scavenger Hunt

Meet Molly, my sister's Maltese dog. She is constantly watching me, I think wanting to be picked up!
We spent the day at Echodale, shuffling through the leaves that have fallen. It's one of my favorite things to do in the Fall. When we lived in BC it was very hard to do that as it rained all the time, the leaves were wet and soggy all the time. Here they are dry and crisp and so fun to shuffle through!

First World Problem
The problem here is the car parked in the parking area somehow made itself invisible when I took this photo. Somehow the rule of checking out the background for annoying things that ruin your otherwise perfect shot didn't happen this time!
And peaceful, Love visiting this Park. It is always different and always the same. If you know what I mean!
I love this shot of the shadows falling gently over the leafy carpet. 
Just waiting for picnic time. 

A Good Day
A great day is shuffling through crisp crunching leaves, throwing handfuls of dry leaves into the breeze and watching them fly through the air! A good day is going for a walk along paths by the lake, seeing the gorgeous yellows, oranges and reds of colour, feeling the breeze through your hair, visiting with family while walking. 

Everyday is a good day, you could say the best day of my life, it is what I have right this moment, the only day and its the best!!


  1. Beautiful location and fun shot with the scattered leaves in the air.

  2. Lots and lots of leaves! I love Autumn! And you are right...all we have is NOW...THE PRESENT...SO WHY NOT MAKE IT THE BEST DAY OF YOUR LIFE? Aloha

  3. Wonderful set.
    Loved the Leafy and Still shots.
    Cute little dog and I liked the last series, really fun.

  4. A cute dog face.
    Wonderful place to play with falling leaves. Love your shots -fun to see!

  5. Yay! These are such a beautiful autumn pictures.

    Have a great week!


  6. Lovely photos!
    Autumn is my favorite time of the year.

  7. beautiful day to enjoy the leaves!! nice series of shots!!

  8. FUN! Love that last shot of the leaves being tossed! Thanks for joining in on Song-ography.

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