Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Turtle Down

I can't believe its been a month since I last posted. I am in such a slump as far as photography is concerned. Don't know where my mojo went.
I can't blame it on my broken leg, although that has made it hard, but not impossible  to get out and about with my camera. I can't just throw the camera into the car, start it up and drive to someplace awesome and just begging to have its photo taken. 
I feel kind of like these turtles, hard to get from A to B, so used to staying in one or two spots, that now I can't get myself in gear. I am slow to move anywhere, just seems like such a challenge. 
This is not to say I haven't taken any photos, I just look at them and have a hard time seeing anything good in them. 
I think its time to get myself over it. Time to make myself start, and it should flow in time again. 
Tired of being stuck in this rotten slump.


  1. I understand completely. I've been thru a dry spell myself. I just decided "if it happens it happens; if not, oh, we'll." glad you're back (for now).

  2. It's been that kind of summer for many -- perhaps the Autumn colors will kick start your comeback. :)

  3. Well, I love this picture! The colors and the light...wonderful!

  4. Love your photos of the turtles. Nice colors!


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