Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Some Good Water

Last week I showed you all a bunch of pictures of the Medicine Hat Flood, which now is receding and everyone is now going through the steps to put their lives and homes back together again. That was a bad water event, so this week I thought I would take you to some fun water! 
These are taken in West Edmonton Mall and are photos of the main water feature in the heart of the mall. It includes a Pirate Ship which you can tour and an underground submarine you can travel in. Such a cool ride!

You can see all the stores that are located all around the top and level floors of the mall. You have good vantage points looking down and into the water feature.

A bridge to traverse from one side to the other.

The Pirate Ship

Sea lions live here too!

I love the patterns on the water in this small boat shot. It looks like its just waiting for someone to row the boat!

I hope you get to visit the Mall someday, it is huge! I am sure that we only got to see about one sixth of the entire thing in the six hours we were there. We will go back next time we are in Edmonton. 
It was much more fun to watch these waters than it was to watch the flood waters last week. 


  1. So cool! I wish we had something like that here. Love that 9th photo!

  2. Now this mall looks like it belongs in Las Vegas -- I especially like the image with the rowboat and rippling shadows cast by the roof.

  3. Interesting mall. the third photo up from the bottom is amazing and I would have never guessed it was indoors!

  4. Neat to have a water feature inside a mall -- great shots!

  5. That is some fun water! Sorry to hear about the flooding last week. Sending some prayers your way!

  6. This is amazing!!! I have never seen anything like it! I do also very much like the photo of the boat and patterns in the water. And am very glad the bad water event is over and people are recovering. Thanks so much for the tour.




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