Monday, June 3, 2013

Pink Seems to be my Color!

It took quite a while for flowering pink blossoms to show up, but now that they are here, I can't get enough of them. I hope you don't get sick of my little obsesssion!
I just feel that as they are only here for a little while, you have to seize the moment, so to speak. I wait all year for pink, and it is always worth the wait!

The little splashes of red amongst all the pink is like tiny jewels. I love it!

Pale to Light to Dark Pink to Red, lovely tones. 


  1. They are beautiful, I can understand the fascination.

    Visiting from P52 (everydayiwalkwithyou)

    Have a good week. :)

  2. I imagine these lovely blossoms are also quite fragrant!

    Child in Red

  3. Wonderful group of photos! The second shot is just beautiful! I'll never tire of viewing shots like this.

  4. Gorgeous photos, Lorna! Pink certainly is your color! I understand how you feel about seizing the moment, too.

    Hope you're having a wonderful week.


  5. Beautiful shots! i especially love the 3rd one cause of the blue with the pinks

  6. Just beautiful! Dogwoods? I have some pretty ones of the cherry blossoms in DC in all stages. Love pink.

  7. Gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous!
    That's all ♥ Love your work!

  8. Oh, my, all are postcard perfect. Love the color and light.


I very much appreciate and Thank You for all of your kind comments!