Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Making your house a home.

At one of the local parks, located just out of town, I found this Kitty up on one of the park trails during our walk. She lived inside the bush located behind her, and although we did not see her babies, they were hiding in the bush behind her. 
Someone cared to have a dish with water and food brought to her, so she could concentrate on raising her babies. 

As we approached her and the area she has made home, she came out of the bush and made ready to see if we were a threat to her. 

As we got closer she also came closer. We could only get so close and she was hissing!

Isn't she gorgeous! She seemed like such a fierce mama!

We make our homes where we feel safe, where our needs and wants are met, where we can live and raise our families comfortably and in peace. 
My hubby and I are starting the process now of finding a home to buy. Its time to put down roots, settle in and make a home that is safe, comfortable and peaceful. 
Let the search begin!!


  1. This kitty looks so much like my Electra, even with the black nose. I'm glad someone is looking out for her. Beautiful series.

  2. Awww! I am a softy when it comes to cats these days..but we have four and I think it is enough..lol!

  3. Poor mama -- it pulls at my heart to see these kitties fending for themselves. She's a gorgeous cat.

  4. She's beautiful. I hope the kittens continue to be safe and am happy someone is giving them water and food. - Good luck in the search for your new home.

  5. What a wonderful series of shots to go along with the commentary! I imagine you are all best of friends by now.


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