Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Finally, I am in the Pink!

I have been waiting weeks for pink! And finally finally I found some. I found it right in the front yard after returning home from spending a few days away in Edmonton. 
These lovely pink blossoms bloomed while we were gone and greeted us as we drove up the driveway. I had to wait until the next morning to get some photos as it was just getting dark in the late evening when we arrived home.
The next morning I got up, dressed fast and grabbed my camera and raced upstairs, all excited to take some photos and what did I see. 
Wind. Lots of wind. 40 km/hour winds with gusts of wind up to 100 km/hour. 
And the wind lasted for two days. It blew and stormed and blew some more. 
At that rate, there would not of been a pink petal left to photograph.
So if I wanted any kind of photo of pink blossoms and I did, I had to get out there in a hurricane (it felt like one anyways) and hope I could adjust my shutter speed up high enough to take photos. And not get knocked over. And keep my hair from flying in front of the camera and into my eyes.
Oh, the challenges.

So these three photos are the start of my adventure on windy days taking pink blossom photos. I am glad I got them as today they look worse for wear, the edges of the delicate pink blossoms looking more ragged and turning brown. 
I will be posting more in the next few days. I would post them all right now but my internet is slower than molasses right now. 
I was patient trying to take these so you will have to come back and see some more- be patient!!


  1. How beautiful! I have been running here and there in our yard to capture the blossoms as well. So happy you shared these with us. xo

  2. These are really beautiful images, Lorna! You've captured the delicate magic of the blossoms so well. It's frustrating when the weather damages the petals so yes, you have to take the opportunity fast!

  3. WOW! They're great shots and the blossoms are spectacular! I love pink :)


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