Thursday, April 18, 2013

Playing with Fruit

I am very late this week getting my P52 photo in, it has been a blizzard (or two) around here some of this week! 
I had an idea for the theme for this, but with fresh snow etc. it was easier to stay at home and put off going to the store for fresh fruit. 
I finally went yesterday and here is some of the photos from the fruit I bought.
The nice part about taking photos of fruit is after when you get to eat it. I cut up so much fruit I will be snacking on it for a few days to come.
I put slices of fruit in my water bottle as well. Always trying to find ways of making water drinks more fun to drink!
I love love eating Fruit. It is cool, refreshing, good for you, tastes like summer to me. It's one of my favorite things!

And who among us has never played with their food??


  1. This is so creative! I love your fruit flower. The colors in these are so vibrant and scream summer!

  2. These are wonderful! I love the first shot.

  3. Очень сочно и ярко! Класс!

  4. absolutely beautiful images! love the colors and the freshness of them... kinda makin' me drool. ;)

    would love for you to join us again at 1440!

    here's to warmer, more spring like temps, too!

  5. Such bright, and crisp shots! I love it! Let's hope for no more white!!

  6. These are very nice! creative. juicy. I love eating fruit.


I very much appreciate and Thank You for all of your kind comments!