Tuesday, March 5, 2013

St. Margaret's Historic Church

P52 Sweet Shot Tuesday with Kent Weakley
St. Margaret's Anglican historic Church is located in Medicine Lodge Coulee in Alberta Cypress Hills. The church was originally built in 1907 and fully restored in 1992.
My hubby and I chanced to see a sign advertising the church on a recent drive, so we went out in search of it.

The Church was open to the public, honestly I think it is never closed as there were not any foot prints around it at all, just huge snowbanks and drifts. We had to plow our way through them to get up into the church.

Outside of the church is a Cemetary. Some of the stones were quite recent. A note inside the church said you can still get buried here, ashes only. No coffins.

The inside of the Church was still decorated for Christmas. A decorated tree up in the corner and decorations on the alter as well.

Standing just inside the door looking into the Church.

The decorated alter and the tree.
The old Organ. My hubby wanted to play it in the worst way.

A note inside also said that there weren't any regular scheduled services anymore, and that the only people who came to worship now were those, like us, that came to visit. 

Stained glass windows adorned each side of the church. Hard to see them here, as the light coming through was very bright.

The Church is heated by a wood stove. 

After leaving the Church to go back to the car, my hubby kindly plowed a path through the drifting snowbank for me to walk through. On the way in to the church I managed to find a hole and fall through up to my hips in snow. Hard to extricate myself from that! 
I still managed to find another hole and land on my derriere in the snow on the way back though, despite his clearing an excellent path for me to walk in. 

A view of some of the tombstones and further of the view from the church.

The Church Bell.

Another view of the gorgeous view!
If you would like to read up on the history of this little church further, please go and visit 

 Scattered Horizons

laf Custom Designs


  1. Lovely shots of this pretty church. And what a great view!

  2. Never seen such a little church. Inside it looks like it's used though on certain occasions. My, you managed to fall in two holes:)
    Your last pic is beautiful a snowscape!

  3. I totally would have played the organ. ☺
    It is hard work getting through deep snow when you fall through. Sounds like you could have used some snow shoes!
    Thank you for sharing!

  4. So cool. Sad it isn't used, but neat that you could see inside. It is so small in there!

  5. a delightful church! We had the opportunity to visit quite a few small ones too while traveling through Nova Scotia - so different than the huge edifices in my neck of the woods.

  6. Such a pretty and colorful church - it's funny that it's decorated for Christmas. Do you think it's only used for major holidays? I wonder if it will get a new look for Easter.

  7. Beautiful images of this lovely little church! I wish you luck in finding mmore infomation about it!

  8. What a neat little church, Ms. Dewberry. I especially love the close-up of the organ keyboard. And what a sweet husband you have to forge a path through the snow! Thanks for joining Walk and Click Wednesday!!

  9. Great visit. Interesting arrangement of the pews. I would worry about the stuff inside, with it being open all the time.

  10. What a lovely building, and just beautiful inside!

  11. Goodness that looks cold! I would have let him play the organ. :) Was that a latch hook rug up on the wall by the stove? My daughter is currently working on one, so it caught my eye.

  12. Hello,
    What a wonderful shots of this little church. The shots outside of the church are so great with all the snow. Well done!!

    Many greetings,


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