Friday, March 1, 2013

On the Road to Elkwater

One of my must see places in Alberta is this little farmhouse,schoolhouse. I have never been to see it in the winter, up until now. I have a few pictures on the blog of this in the middle of Summer though. In the summer I have been known to climb through the barbed wire fences and get closer to take photos at different angles!! Not this time though. We parked on the side of the gravel road to take these pictures. The snow has drifted up against the fence quite deeply in spots, and even though we did try to open up the small gate which was frozen shut, we didn't get through the fence.
We had to use our four wheel drive to get off the side of the road!
You can see the building from a long ways away when you are driving down the highway. You have to turn off the main road and travel up a gravel road to get to where it is located. I don't know why I like this little schoolhouse so much, I think it might be just wondering about its history and the stories its four walls could tell!

The view from the top of the hill that this little Schoolhouse is located on is awesome. Rolling hills all around, big sky country! In the summer herds of cattle can be seen in the fields below and the colors are green and gorgeous. 

One of the windows have been broken and removed the entire time I have seen this building. I looked into the window last time I was here, and all that is in the building is a  thick layer of dirt on the ground. I'm lucky it wasn't home to something scary!

My hubby and I have been in Alberta for a month now, and most days are bright and sunny like today. Blue skies and sunshine are the norm!!

A view of the road just leading away from the schoolhouse. 

I am loving exploring this country we are in. Alberta is a beautiful province, huge skies and bright sunny days. 
 friday favorite things | finding joy


  1. Very nice and interesting place. Have a nice week end. From SF. My entry is from:

  2. What amazing blue skies and lovely shots.

  3. It looks so deserted all around the little place. You have to wonder how far children came to be schooled.
    Lovely landscapes!

  4. What a beautiful, peaceful place. Happy sky watching.

    My sky.

  5. If walls could talk..this little schoolhouse could tell some stories. It looks so lost sitting there. Great pics.

  6. Gorgeous sky photos and your header left me breathless!!

  7. I love to take pictures of old buildings. Blessings, Debbie

  8. What is all that blue stuff above the horizon line?? Based on the posting dates, it didn't last long.
    Thanks for the visit -- while Riddagshausen is/was a lovely place, some bombs did fall in the area in WWII. So, my wife was sent to live with her grandmother 'til war's end.

  9. You could submit these to The Old Schoolhouse magazine. They use shots like these for their cover photos. :)


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