Thursday, February 7, 2013

Roadtrip Part 3

Along the #1 Highway outside of Banff, Alberta, we saw these twin tunnels built over the road at regular intervals down the highway. These are walkways over the highway for wild animals to traverse from one side of the highway to the other side without being hit by vehicles and they make the roads safer for them and for the vehicles and people who travel the roads.
They are completely fenced in so that the path they take from one side of the road to the other is clear for them and safe to walk over. Fences along the side of the highway are also constructed to keep the animals away from the roads.

These photos were taken on our recent roadtrip from B.C. to Alberta to visit family.
They also make a pretty good frame for taking a photo through!
 The skies were partly cloudy and the further we got into Alberta the more the skies got blue. We left the cloudy skies behind in B.C.!

friday favorite things | finding joy
And since being here in Alberta I have found a lot of things that bring me joy. 
Visiting my family
Seeing my kids
Walks in beautiful parks
Blue skies
Not a drop of rain
Blue skies! 
Crisp clear sunny bright days.
Yummy food, probably too much yummy food! 
Sleeping in every day
Coffee, Coffee Coffee.
Meeting some new people
I'm trying to be grateful to the police officer who gave me a ticket for a burned out headlight!!



  1. wonderful shots, and cool that they build these bridges for the wildlife to use!

  2. Nice framing in that last shot!

  3. Happy sky watching.

    My sky.eautiful photos.

  4. Fantastic photos. I love the frame idea. And what a great idea for the wildlife. It makes one feel better about the future of our wildlife heritage.

  5. Beautiful photos!
    Happy Sky Watching!
    Lea's Menagerie

  6. Nice shots, like them. By the way we have this kind of animal passages also in the netherlands. We call them ecoducts.

  7. oh wow, i love that! do the animals actually use it? i guess they do or they wouldn't be so popular right?! i wish they would do the same here :)

  8. Nice's great that the wildlife is being considered in builing these tunnels. Glad to hear your enjoying your trip...may the Joy continue.


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