Monday, December 24, 2012

Christmas Lights Displays

 I thought for this week's Our World Tuesday I would take you on a tour of Christmas lights in our town, Abbotsford, B.C.
We spent a couple of evenings touring around searching for good displays of lights. 
 I don't know what it is about the rain though, as soon as we stepped outside of the car to take some photos, the rain would start and chase us back into the car. Not really us but for sure the camera!


Its Christmas morning tomorrow and I will be off early to work. I get to spend my day with our clients and have a lunch with staff. 
I am kind of looking forward to the quiet cheery day its going to be!!
I wish you all a wonderful and blessed Christmas!  Outdoor-Wednesday-logo_thumb1_thumb1[1]


  1. Beautiful pictures. My grand kids just love looking through them over and over. Merry Christmas.

  2. Wonderful lights! From the simple to the complex, they are all a pleasure to see. Merry Christmas to you and yours!


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