Thursday, November 29, 2012

Linking with Skywatch Friday
Pixel Dust Photo Art
You can see the world reflected in a raindrop.
You can see me reflected in a silver ball.
It was a wet Saturday last weekend and we were out looking for Eagles. Never found an eagle perched in a tree but did see many eagles in the sky. 
You can't see them here but I'll be back in another post to show you some!
Click to see the rules and to take a badge for yourself.


  1. mysterious image... can't wait to see the eagles! Now lets hope I remember to return to look for them!

  2. Love the reflection in this piece and your header is fabulous!

  3. It would be even more amazing to to capture your reflection in a dewdrop but this is a keeper,,

  4. Light and reflections are what is best about photography! Of course a great subject doesn't hurt ... as you have here. Lovely work. Thank you for sharing with Photo Art Friday.

  5. Nice ornement, perfect to catch reflection : well done.


I very much appreciate and Thank You for all of your kind comments!