Saturday, October 20, 2012

Project 52 - Sad

Project 52 - p52 weekly photo challenge with Kent Weakley
I love my Saturday mornings. Sometimes I wait impatiently all week just for my Saturday morning!
I love sleeping in. When you have to get up at 4:30am on weekdays sleeping in on the weekend is pure bliss! Making coffee and sitting to read the morning paper in a quiet, calm and peaceful house! (Yes that is whipped cream on my coffee)
Pajamas and warm moccasins and relaxing on the couch watching old movies.
My cat Speed relaxing right along with me!
Double smoked Applewood thick sliced Bacon for breakfast. We love bacon here so much that when you cut your finger and need a bandaid it is a Bacon Strip Bandaid you get!
Yummy eggs, and of course just because we only do this once a week, those get fried in a bit of the bacon fat as well!
 Crisp oven roasted Bacon, Eggs and thin sliced Roma tomatoes! Could it get any better!
Dutch Chocolate Cake Coffee and a good book on my E-Reader after breakfast.
See why I love my Saturday mornings!
So what could possibly be sad about spending a wonderful and relaxing morning such as this??
It always ends, and I have to wait a whole week again for my next Saturday. How sad is that!?


  1. I love this post, it definitely speaks to me. A well deserved Saturday comfort day.

  2. Oh my...what a day!! That breakfast looked delightful!!

    Great pictures...♥

  3. what a great post, beautiful pictures, the breakfast loks amazing.Perfect Weekend x

  4. Your perfect Saturday morning is right in line with my thinking (and I've just discovered real whipped cream as a coffee topper). Being retired, I have a somewhat laidback morning most days, but Saturday is still special for all the reasons in your photos. Great post.

  5. Great post ~ love you collage photography ~ especially your cat! ~ sweet! ~ (A Creative Harbor)

  6. Your Saturday mornings are perfection! I think we will have to institute something like that around here! Especially the bacon and chocolate coffee cake part. :)

    Thanks for the treat.


  7. I'm so glad tomorrow is Saturday for you again! Your ritual sounds soothing (and delicious). Now if only I knew what you were reading!

  8. Hello, love your blog. Found you through Mellow Yellow Monday. I can totally relate to this post! It is hard to wait an entire week for the bliss of a Saturday or Sunday morning.



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