Sunday, September 16, 2012

Petunias in passing

Linking with
I love the changing of the seasons from the hot summer days into the cooler fall like days of this time of the year. The leaves start turning colours and falling, the air is crisp and fresh and the nights are cool. It is perfect walking weather!
In the beginning of Summer when I bought my hanging baskets, this basket containing petunias that were almost black in colour really caught my eye.
Now at the end of Summer where the days are noticeably shorter and the nights are getting colder, it is just about impossible to keep these alive. I have watered and fertilized as much life as I think these baskets have left and they are almost gone. It is those cold nights where the temps dip down to five degrees I think that spell the beginning of their ends.
I have enjoyed them though, as have others who see them and remark about their unique colour.


  1. I agree, I LOVE the color! Wish I could find some like that around here!
    New follower here and looking forward to looking around.
    nancy-of the crazy 9

  2. Wow those have a deep rich purple color. No wonder people commented on them.

  3. Thank you so much for linking up with Today's Flowers. These almost black petunias are absolutely gorgeous.


I very much appreciate and Thank You for all of your kind comments!