Thursday, September 27, 2012

Fall a bit Early

Photo Art Friday
I took my camera into work one sunny day for my fellow co-workers to see. I had talked enough there about this obsession of mine and they had come here to check out my photos.
I let one of my co-workers named Alex try his hand at taking a photo.
This is one of his photos that he took, I just tweaked it a bit in photoshop and added a bit of texture as well. I promised I would put it on the blog for him, so here it is!
I hope he comes in and sees his picture!!


  1. I think, he took a prette nice photo!

  2. Now that's a fun and generous experiment. The two of you have produced a lovely piece of photo art. Thank you for sharing with PAF!

  3. He took a great photo. I hope he gets hooked and takes more photos.

  4. Very nice! He should stop by and see the end result!

  5. such a nice and thoughty thing for you to DO!! wonderfull results, too!!

  6. Since this is my first visit to your blog, I perused through your pictures ... you do have a good eye and take nice shots, as does your friend Alex. Very nice collaboration ... you should do it again sometime :)

    Andrea @ From The Sol

  7. Nice collaboration with your office worker on this piece. I love the wonderful "Autumnal" feel it has.

  8. Alex's photo is spectacular, a great eye!


I very much appreciate and Thank You for all of your kind comments!