Monday, August 6, 2012

Summer Flowers

A couple of flowers found on a recent trip around the park behind our home.

Ruby Tuesday 2
These petunias are growing in my front yard hanging basket.

I added a couple of KimKlassen textures to this, in preparation for taking Kim's Skinny-Mini course!
These petunias are almost a blood red dark colour, never seen them this colour before and just had to buy the basket when I found them!
Scattered Horizons


  1. Great images! The second one reminds me of another era. Beautiful colour and texture - especially that deep red. You might like to contribute to my Mandarin Orange Monday:)

  2. Ces couleurs sont tout simplement sublimes : bravo !

  3. The petunia's color is gorgeous. Nice shot!

  4. I love these two photos for different reasons! The first for the way the color pops and the second for the earthy colors of the flowers.

  5. Lovely lilies and petunias. I like the edit on the lily image - lots of depth and complexity.

  6. Both are stunning! I really love the darker colors.

  7. Such rich, deep color in these photos! Thank you for sharing and for linking up with Tones on Tuesday, I hope you will link up again this week!

  8. Glorious catch on top!! The vibrant colors are really eye-catching.


I very much appreciate and Thank You for all of your kind comments!