Friday, August 24, 2012

Project 52 - Heat

Project 52 - p52 weekly photo challenge with Kent Weakley
Last week I dropped a little hint about where the strawberries I featured in my Ice post were going to end up. And here it is for you.
Strawberry Habenero Sauce
Hot, Hot Heat!
Here are the ingredients to make a batch of Sauce. No doubt this is one of the hottest things I have made! Habenero peppers are right up there on the heat scale. I did not use anywhere near the amount the recipe actually called for and even though I cut way back on the peppers, it still packs a wollup in the heat department!
My brother Brian would love this stuff! It is sweet, tangy, savoury and hot! Even if you don't use the amount of peppers called for or the amount I used, you should still give this a try!
Ingredients below!
I am sure if you are making this you could substitute another type of pepper for the Habeneros, but why not give it a try!!
3/4 lb. fresh Habeneros (I used 1/5 lb)
1 lb. fresh Strawberries
1 TBSP. Salt
1 1/4 cup Apple Cider Vinegar
3/4 cup Mango Nectar
1 TBSP. Honey
I would suggest that when you chop up the Habenero Peppers, you put on a pair of disposable vinyl gloves. You don't want to get this stuff in your eye later on. I also took the ribs and seeds out of the peppers as I chopped them up. Most of the heat comes especially from the seeds.
Put the chopped up Habenero's into the bottom of a pot, add the Vinegar and Salt. Cook on high heat for 7 to 8 minutes until the peppers are nice and soft.
Place the peppers and vinegar mixture into a food processor, add 1 lb. Strawberries, Mango Nectar and the Honey. Process the Hell out of it!
You can add more Mango Nectar to the sauce if you feel it is still too hot for you.
That is it. Bottle it up and give it a shot.

We tryed this with Saltine crackers with a chunk of Feta Cheese, Strawberry Habenero sauce and fresh Strawberry slices.
Jam Hands
And after supper we poured it over Vanilla Bean IceCream with fresh Strawberries. The cold of the ice cream really helped mellow the heat of the sauce.
I have also added a good spoonful of it to our barbeque sauce and slathered it onto whatever is being barbequed at that moment.
And I made a batch of Bacon Jam and used a quarter cup of it in place of the chipotle peppers the recipe called for. Yum!
Tempt my Tummy Tuesdays

And just because I learned a new skill in Photoshop today and created a mosaic out of all the photos!
Still have some work to do here, getting the scale proportions right! Always learning!
Have a great weekend!


  1. Your post is a visual treat - love the vibrant reds. What a clever idea to put your hot sauce on ice cream.

  2. Beautiful! Sounds delicious, and I'm impressed with the montage...I still haven't gotten around to that! :)

  3. looks yummy, just makes my mouth waters...

  4. Visiting from Yummy Sunday on a Monday. :)

    Wow!!! That looked good.

  5. Oh my gush that looks really hot!! ^_^ I would love to try this one. ^_^


  6. hmmm! looks so yummy, and healthy too,for sure! here for Yummy Sunday!

  7. I think my hubs would love this- he has an affection for those zesty orange peppers.

  8. Interesting and would like to try it:)

    Visiting for Yummy Sunday- hope you can stop by...

  9. Sounds delicious - maybe I need to get on that with my peppers! Great colors.

  10. nutrish and delish = yummy indeed! Dropping by from YS

  11. ohhh this looks yummy! I am going to have to try this! i love a bit of sweet heat.


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