Saturday, August 11, 2012

Abbotsford Airshow

P52 with Kent Weakley
Every year we wait for the second August weekend for the Abbotsford Airshow. This is the 30th year for the Airshow and even though we never actually go the airshow, we weren't going to miss it! Our friends, Janice and Frank live on a large farm a couple miles from the airport and that was where we went to see the show.
Hubby and I are not one for big crowds and hot tarmac so we don't actually like going to the airport for it.
We sat outside in thier front yard, and watched the planes, while having a good visit, a bit of wine and shade from thier big oak trees to rest in away from the heat. It is one of Summer's favorite things to do!
These are the American Thunderbirds, flying in formation.
Loved watching the jetstreams as they flew in formation!

This particular formation is in honour of the fallen soldiers. The lone plane flying away from the formation signifies those fallen soldiers.
Starburst formation breakaway. They all fly in formation and then all break away in different directions with jetstream going.

You can see in the background the hazy Mt. Baker.
A few more of the different war planes flying.
I think this is a Spitfire, but I am not certain.
Fighter Jet and a Warplane flying in formation.
Some arieal acrobatics!
Comox Search and Rescue Plane.

I caught a photo of the afterburners on this Jet as he flew past us.
This guy was low and loud!
Scenic Sunday
These photos are all straight out of the Camera (SOOC)
We missed the Canadian Snowbirds but are thinking of going back tomorrow to Janice and Frank's place and catching them as well.


  1. Those are magnificent pictures ! I love this kind of show, with fighter aircraft ; and I don't have a lot of opportunity here in France to see american planes in display, so, thanks !!!

  2. Wow, amazing airshow. I really love the starburst formation. Great photos, thanks for sharing.

  3. an exciting collection .... and a beautiful tribute ....

  4. Great set of pics! You did well to catch the planes so sharply!!


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