Friday, August 3, 2012

Dew Drops by Dew Drops on Dew Drops!

Photo Art Friday
I was out watering flowers just as the sun was setting. Poor things have been cooking in the hot sun all day and wanted a drink. I liked the way the water clung to the petals so went in and grabbed my camera to take some photos.
These are hand held in low light so could be much better. I added a texture or two just for the heck of it!
These are tiny fronds on a Fennel plant. I have to try it again with my tripod!
I will be trying this again. Goodness knows, I have to keep the plants alive, Spray some inspiration on those flowers!


  1. Lucious processing! Your header is gorgeous too. Thank you for sharing your work with Photo Art Friday.

  2. Very nice. I like the idea of capturing drops of water. I'll have to try that.


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