Saturday, June 9, 2012

Project 52 - Water Play

project 52 p52 weekly photo challenge
This house has been in a complete upheaval while we paint the entire house, so I totally missed last week's prompt of Play while my entire computer was cowering under sheets of plastic, stacked in the middle of the room. Right now the front door is being painted, and as far as I know I think it is the last thing to be done. We will get the house back!
I combined both last week and this week's prompts into Water Play for this weeks photos.
These were taken at White Rock beach on a stormy day. Water was full of waves and white caps and as far as I was concerned not fit for me to dip my toes in, but for some men and certain beasts it was a riot!

It was hard for him to pull the sail up and keep it up without just blowing over to the other side, but eventually he managed and went skimming along the waves.
This dog knew his red ball was somewhere in the waves!
Got it!!
Back to the shore to his buddies.
So cold on this day, I am surprised I could keep my camera steady enough without the shivering!


  1. That water looks freezing to me. Not fit for man nor beast. :)
    LOVE the doggie trying to get his ball - so cute!

  2. The waves look rough and cold. The dog is precious.

  3. Great shots and I love the dogs laying in the water. Thanks for sharing your critters. Have a great weekend!

  4. Great swimmer... glad he got his ball back, safely! =)

  5. I love the series with the dog!! He is so happy when he finds his ball!


I very much appreciate and Thank You for all of your kind comments!