Thursday, June 21, 2012

I have been seriously ignoring this blog lately since we started our home renovations and it shows! Hardly any pictures this month, and honestly my camera hardly has been out of the case lately. Now most of the renos are done, and the place is mostly put back together again so its time to get some creative juices flowing and feed my soul!
This is a Spring photo I took in Chilliwack, B.C. The snow is melting late this year and combined with record rainfalls we have some serious water in the Fraser River. I have not seen the river this high in years. One of my co-workers got a flood evacuation notice yesterday to be prepared to leave her home at a moments notice. Kind of scary.
Hell has no fury like that of Mother Nature!
Skywatch Friday


  1. Stunning beauty! Don't know what's worse: floods where you live, or fire that we have in California.

  2. Such a wonderful sight that makes life a bit unsettling. Great photo.

  3. Beautiful...but I'm not ready to see snow yet:)

  4. Stunning view!

    Sky Shots at my page, come and see. Have a great weekend.

  5. Jaw dropping picture, very well captured.

  6. Gorgeous!! And you're so right about mother nature's wrath! SO RIGHT!!

  7. Beautiful; our water levels are down! Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

  8. Stunning capture of a beautiful landscape!!!Have a nice weekend!



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