Thursday, June 28, 2012

Grass is Greener on the Other Side

Photo Art Friday
I used Painterly textures on these two photos and also played around with poster edges and finding edges filters. I also tryed out the watercolours filter. I then found a tutorial on adding borders and played around with that as well.

This horse was much too intent on eating than paying any attention to me. I wanted a good head shot but dinner took priority!
And even though a barbed wire fence was seperating the horse from the good grass, the horse managed to find a way.
I guess the grass is greener on the other side!

Camera Critters


  1. Fantastic! the painterly effect really really works here ♥

  2. What a lovely horse,and very nice processing you have done on these. Think it is true.... grass always looks greener on the other side!

  3. These turned out great. I think the 1st one is my favorite of the two.

  4. I love the first shot. both truly look like paintings!!! awesome work!

  5. Beautiful horse, I really love the second shot! Well done!

  6. Beautiful horse. Great texture effects.

    I'd Rather B Birdin' - Little Green Heron and More

    Stop by if you find time. Happy Weekend wishes to you.


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