Saturday, May 19, 2012

Project 52 - Mothers

Linking up with Project 52 at
My own Mother passed away 20 years ago and my own two children, young adults now, live out of town in the next province over, so Mother's Day is not something I celebrate in a traditional way of spending time with your parent or your children.
Instead we, my hubby and I went out and spent the day at the park. We found this mama and her babies at the lake.
Can you imagine having that many babies at once?
Some of the babies needed a good clucking too to keep in line! I love seeing babies at the lake, watching them grow and play.


  1. That first shot is idyllic and the second is so cute!

  2. The first shot is how we imagine we will experience motherhood - serene and calm, letting nothing ruffle our feathers. The second shot shows the reality of clucking that is involved in raising them. Great shots.

  3. This is such a cute shot! It's a good thing you had your camera; great capture!


I very much appreciate and Thank You for all of your kind comments!