Saturday, May 26, 2012

Project 52 - Favorites

One of my favorite things is an unexpected moment. A moment of grace. Not given lightly and easily missed, these moments can lift your spirits and change the course of your day.
You have to be receptive and open to these moments because they are fleeting. You have to be prepared for them because they won't last long.
Last night at my friend Sally's house on her balcony, we saw a beautiful rainbow, a huge purple shaded evening cloud and I of course was not prepared. No camera!! But maybe I was only meant to sit amongst friends, enjoying some good food and wine, and a rainbow and a cloud. Maybe that was all the prepared for a moment I needed at that moment!
Moments of grace come on silent and cautious feet, trusting a bit to stand and be observed. They are only meant to be observed for if you step toward them to grasp them they disappear.
They don't stay forever. You have to pay attention when they present themselves.
Moments such as these lift our spirits.
Have a wonderful weekend!!


  1. We love watching deer too, our kids love it when the deer stare at us.

    My critter, please come and see. Have a great weekend.

  2. Lovely words and thoughts. The deer are so cute, great captures.

  3. It's good to see some of my old frineds for back West.

  4. Great captures. They are so wary of people.

  5. You captured a wonderful moment. Thankfs for sharing!

  6. We love watching deer in our backyard and my husband is a hunter too :-) These pictures are beautiful :-) Dropping by from Camera Critters

  7. beautiful deer pictures and the woods :-) Dropping by from Camera Critters


I very much appreciate and Thank You for all of your kind comments!