Thursday, March 1, 2012

Project 52 - A Great Leap

project 52 p52 weekly photo challenge

Willband Creek is located halfway between Mission and Abbotsford, B.C. It is home to many varieties of birds and also possesses a couple of loops around the park for people to walk along. And some lessons to be learned as well, so I found out!

It was one of those nice dry days, albiet after a few days of rain, and  Hubby and I went to visit and go for a walk. He took the short loop.

I took the long loop path around the Sanctuary which was fine, lots of beatiful scenery, nice day, with a few people enjoying their walk as well.
No wind, so easy to get some awesome reflections on the water.
So far all is well!

I had just about finished the long loop and could see the parking lot within eye shot, when I came to a part of the path that was not dry. In fact it was a long section of thick wet mud. Lots of mud. And water, in fact it was a bit flooded. Now I could of gone around, back the way I came and had a doubly long walk. After all, it was a nice day. But I could see the goal line aka: the parking lot.
And its really not me to just walk away from a little obstacle like a bunch of mud. (Sorry I did not take a photo of the mud for you!) So I braved it. I walked on. Rather I squelched my way through, and at one point up to my ankle in that said mud. Would of sucked my shoe off if my shoelaces weren't tied as tight as they were. I made it through, upright on my feet but muddy for the effort.
There wasn't any Giant Leap I could of taken that would of got me through that mud unscathed. I should of gone back the way I came. Sometimes you have to backtrack to get back on track. I missed my Giant Leap and saw it in hindsight. But I lived to tell you about it!!!


  1. beautiful, peaceful place ~ a place to renew your spirit before facing the hustle bustle of the day ahead of you

  2. These shots are gorgeous!
    What's a little mud when viewing scenes this beautiful. :)

  3. Your composition is perfect.
    The blending of colors is amazing.
    I really liked your skywatch post this week.
    Joyce M

  4. you photographed this place really well.

    enjoy the month of march.

    My sky is here

  5. such gorgeous views with lovely skies and reflections.

  6. Beautiful views, and the grass pods in your last one are a great lead into the pic!

  7. Beautiful, peaceful photos. I think the walk through the mud sounds... wonderful.

  8. Beautiful pictures!!
    I would have done the same...
    Have a nice weekend,

  9. Beautiful place and your photos, too.

    Warm greetings and best wishes

  10. A beautiful landscape, so beautifully captured!
    Sending you wishes for a wonderful weekend!

  11. Such a beautiful place! I love your watery reflections! Terrific captures for the day! I hope you have a wonderful weekend! Enjoy!


  12. Such a funny story. But if you would have turned around, there wouldn't have been a story. Love it! Beautiful pictures, as always!

  13. Gorgeous scenery & your photos are awesome!!

  14. lots of scenic shots here - lovely....

  15. The shots are great but the story makes an interesting contrast to the docile, soft scene you show here. I love an adventure and would have been right there with you slogging through the mud. Probably one of us would have taken photos of the other - hah!


  16. Wonderful set of images, especially the top-most pic. I love the blue of the mountains, the deep rust of the bushes and the silhouetted leafless branches. The foreground offers another contrast in color, and the curving water tales you into the image. Just a perfect shot!! Brava!

  17. So true having to backtrack to move forward. Lovely photos.

  18. Beautiful scenery!
    Glad you AND the camera made it through OK! Once I fell down a creek bank, bruised my knee, and banged up my camera, too!
    Happy Week-End!
    Lea's Menagerie

  19. The many different earth tones in these photos are so pretty.

  20. Stunning photos of a beautiful place! I love the colors in all the photos, but especially in the first. Thank you for sharing!

  21. Good morning ~

    Wanted to reply to your comment on my blog but I have an old e-mail address for you. (Your e-mail isn't enabled). Sorry ~

    beautiful photos, btw.

    k a t e

  22. Wonderful scenery and beautiful skies! Thanks for sharing and for stopping by my blog :o)


I very much appreciate and Thank You for all of your kind comments!