Friday, March 16, 2012

Project 52 - Eyes of March

project 52 p52 weekly photo challenge
The other day during a walk at Campbell River Park, the forest was alive with life. Lots of squirrels out and about and birds everywhere. I posted birds in a previous post, and here for Eyes of March, a few of the tiny babies we saw on our walk.
These little guys blended in quite well, but they did not seem afraid of people and were quite friendly around us. Curious of us.

This little baby Squirrel was literally vibrating at my feet. He did not seem afraid, but all that energy in that tiny body made him shake, rattle and roll! You can see my reflection in his little eye taking his photo!
The park had lots of babies around. They did not seem to have any fear of people walking the paths. This little guy was a couple feet away from me and standing on an old stump. He was tiny!

New life in the forest. New life in Spring.

Camera Critters

Give me your best shot at Better in BulkPhotoStory Friday
Hosted by Cecily and Lolli


  1. That is just the cutest thing Ive ever seen! Such a cute picture!

  2. Great pictures. Squirrels are almost always in motion. You got some great shots. The colors are beautiful, too.

  3. You got some great shots! I especially like that last one.

  4. Great shots! We have tons of squirrels in our front yard, thanks to two mature oak trees. I've never tried to photograph them. Might have to give it a try.

  5. What a cute little fella you captured! The last one shelling nuts is my favorite. Enjoy your weekend.

  6. I can never figure out why I think squirrels are cute BUT rats are not? But somehow squirrels manage to pull out the cuteness factor and work it to it's max. Lovely shots.

  7. So cute!! Love the bottom shot - you nailed that one dead on - super cuteness!

  8. Beautiful photos.
    I especially like the last one.

    Warm greetings and best wishes

  9. Love that last one too. I love watching the babies run up and down the branches in my backyard. Fearless little critters.

  10. Cute shots of the squirrels. The last one is awesome!

  11. These little guys are so entertaining!

  12. Squirrels are so cute to me. I have a red one and a gray one that have hung around in my yard for four years. Love watching their antics.
    Your last shot is gorgeous!

  13. These are great photos! Really loved the last one you shot. :)

  14. I lovee the last shot .... Such a cute little animal.


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