Thursday, March 8, 2012

A Little of This and A Little of That

Linking up with
Do any of you have one of those folders on your computer that contains all the photos you have taken and prepared to go on your blog, but they never quite made it there?
I have one and here are some of the photos that are in that folder that I am sharing today. Its time to clean up that folder a bit and share some of the photos of Winter I have taken and make room for Spring!
My hubby and I went to visit our Community Garden on a nice sunny day and found these old dried up Artichoke Heads still on thier woody stalks. I thought they looked like ancient flowers, and are beautiful even though they never made it to anyone's dinner plate!
We found these Purple berries before Christmas on a Shopping trip. We went on a Craft crawl to all sorts of different crafting stores, and outside one of these stores, we found a large bush covered with these purple berries. We thought it was so cool to see this wonderful splash of colour in the middle of winter!
I am continuously teaching myself about adding Textures to my photos and these are examples of that!
These thistles are a wonderful Earth colour! I would paint walls in my house these colours, they are so gorgeous!

Some of these dried brown leaves still cling to the bare limbs of Trees, and look wonderful contrasted against a blue sky!
Daylight Savings happens this coming weekend, and I am very happy about that. Another hour of sunlight in the evenings, what could be nicer! All winter I go to work in the dark, and come home as it gets dark. I feel light deprived! So I love Daylight Savings and more of the light!
Have a great weekend, everyone!!


  1. Love the colors and textures on all of these. Hope you have a good rest of the week.

  2. Beautiful photos and post-processing.

    Warm greetings and best wishes

  3. So many beautiful flowers. No way I can pick a favorite.

  4. I like the artichokes, and the purple berries are such a vibrant colour, but that skeleton of a leaf just takes my breath away!!

  5. The rich colours of the purple berries and the earthy tones of the thistles are wonderful.

  6. Lovely photos! Such a beautiful shade of purple on the berries.


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