Tuesday, March 13, 2012

All about the Birds

Ruby Tuesday 2
Hubby and I went to Campbell Lake Park last weekend and the whole place was a-twitter with birds. Now I only know that I love to see birds and love to feed them as well but as far as what kind of birds or the name of birds I don't know.

This bird was sitting along the side of the walkway. Loved the red eyes!

This little fat bird was perched on the bare red branches, watching me as much as I watched him!

And they have to have someplace to live and raise a family!!
If anyone knows the names of these birds, can you let me know!!


  1. beautiful bird and vibrant pictures :-) Visiting from Ruby Tuesdays 2, hope that you can return your red visit too.


  2. I just love, love, love little fat birds! They are so cute!

  3. Oh very charming! The bird on the bare red branches stunned me. Love the birdhouse too! Birds chirping in or around their house is so fun to watch.

  4. I have so many birds out
    back and they love when I
    feed them... your photos
    are just wonderful
    Nice shots

  5. Nice bird shots....you even have their eyes in focus.
    Joyce M

  6. I believe your first bird is a towhee. What a beauty!

  7. Beautiful little birds.
    And beautiful photos, too.

    Warm greetings and best wishes

  8. All your bird shots are lovely. I don't know what the red-eyed bird is.


I very much appreciate and Thank You for all of your kind comments!