Friday, January 6, 2012

project 52 p52 weekly photo challenge

Darcy at My3boybarians has started a new Photo Meme called Project 52, one picture a week for the year. I think I can do that! I know I would never make the one picture a day memes, too busy for that!
This weeks theme is Resolution.
My hubby and I have been talking lately about Simplifying our lives. I really think people should move at least once every 7 years, and if not then should look at what has been accumulated, physically and emotionally and see where it can be simplified.
As soon as I took this photo I knew it was the right one for my first week.
There are lots of things I have to do each and every day and for that I have to be in the "box" and on track, race there and get the job done.
But lately I have been feeling like a lot of the things I like to do or want to do has really gone by the wayside because the things I have to do end up taking  more than enough of my time. It tires me out.
So we have resolved to simplify our lives where we can, and free up more time to get out of the box, and do the things we love to do.
One of the things I need is Space. There is not much room inside this box, I need to spread my wings and breathe a little bigger. Its all going to be a process, starting this year.


  1. Hello!
    I really like your photo!
    Petonets xoxo

  2. Happy New Year, Lorna!! I whole heartedly applaud your decision to simplify and expand. And moving every seven years? Not a bad idea. We've been in our house just under five years and are kind of shocked at how every nook and cranny is filling up.

    Wishing you great peace, love and creative fulfillment in 2012! Looking forward to your 52 project.

    xo – g

  3. This is a beautiful photo. I certainly need to get out of my box more often.

  4. Very cool photo...will have to show my little boys since they love trains. =)

  5. what a great photo! love the lines and the compositon. wishing you all best with your resolution!!

  6. What a great representation and interpretation. I love your choice of photo. Fantastic.
    I look forward to learning more photoshop together. ;)

  7. I love your photo and I COMPLETELY hear you on SPACE! I look fwd to seeing your posts on P52.


I very much appreciate and Thank You for all of your kind comments!