Thursday, December 8, 2011

Skywatch Friday

I still am waiting to see how many pictures my Hubby can retrieve off my crashed hard drive. These are a few I still had on my camera chip when the Drive crashed.
This is in Clayburn Village on the outskirts of the village in the farm area.
It was a cloudy and gloomy grey day when these were taken.

To see more photos of Skywatch Friday, please go and visit


  1. It's great that you had still had these, Lorna. I do hope you and your hubby are able to recover the ones that are most important to you and many more as well.

    Have a great weekend! – g

  2. So beautiful!

    Please come see my skywatch also. Have a nice evening.

  3. Great photos with the play of light, your blog header is amazing

  4. I like the moodiness you captured in these photos!


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