Saturday, November 19, 2011

Dedicated to A Friend

I am dedicating my post to my friend Corrina who lost her only son this past Wednesday. Matthew was a 26 year old young man who was involved in a terrible plane crash here in Vancouver three weeks ago. Matthew was the co-pilot of the plane. Besides Matthew, the Pilot as well did not survive. All nine passengers survived the crash because of the heroic actions and skill of both the pilots.  They sacrificed their lives to save the lives of thier passengers.

My heart breaks for Corrina and her family who lost an only son, and only brother. I cannot imagine the depth of thier loss or their pain. My thoughts and prayers are with them in this terribly sad time.


  1. This beautifully soft image is lovely for your tribute!
    So sorry for Corrina's loss.

  2. very lovely memorial. very sad. your friendship will go a long way in overcoming her grief.

  3. A beautiful tribute to a courageous pilot!

  4. I feel the pain too.
    I'm glad you are there for her.

  5. This is a beautiful tribute to your friend. It's always so very sad to hear of such a tragedy. My heart goes out to Corinna and her family and my thoughts and prayers are with her and her family.


I very much appreciate and Thank You for all of your kind comments!