Friday, November 11, 2011

Autumn Skies, Autumn Colours

I am always looking for unique and eye catching ways to showcase the Skies above, so one day while out at Golden Ears Park with my hubby, I practised a new technique I had read about in a photo magazine. I twirled the camera in a circle while taking the photo and I really like the results of this fun technique that I got!!
It was a beautiful Fall day, blue skies, and wonderful fall colours on the trees. Lots of contrasting colours here!

I also tryed to keep one of the elements in the photo in relative focus, such as the picnic table above to add a focal point in the photo.

The Photo below was taken of the view across the lake, the mountains in the background and the water of the lake.

This photo below is my favorite. It features my Hubby at the bottom of the photo, and the lake before him, and the mountains in the background. The huge Oak tree behind him adds perspective.

We have had some fabulous colours this Fall. I think that is due to the dry cold weather we experienced at the beginning of the season. Usually here we have grey skies and buckets of rain!
I am really enjoying capturing the beautiful colours!
And I have more photos to come, so please come back!


  1. Cool effect/processing. I'm curious to know how you did it. I like the end result!

  2. These are very interesting captures! Love them all.

  3. You have generated some fantastic shots like dream sequences. The first one any painter would be proud of. This technique opens up any number of possibilities.
    I look forward to more of these wonderful art works.

  4. I got so carried away by your post that it almost overshadowed that utterly glorious header of yours!

  5. It sounds so simple I'd try it - but it'd be hard to do better than your sensational final shot! Maybe hubby provided the magic?!?!?!

    Greetings from downunder in OZ!

  6. I think these are marvelous, Lorna! I love them! Great idea and very well carried out. Not easy!

    Have a great weekend and hope you are well.

    – g


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