Friday, September 30, 2011

Typing Memories

When I was in high school, my Grade 9 home room was in the typing room. We started each day in Home Room for roll call before heading out to respective classes. Our home room teacher always wanted quiet while he passed on daily news and took the daily roll call but being the unruly kids we were back then the typewriter in front of each of us was just too much of a noise making temptation. It had bells, rollers and lots of keys and lots of kids in the class to push a button or ding a bell. It was hard for the teacher to tell which of the 30 some typewriters was the guilty party!
I also took typing in school, and learned on a manual typewriter to type. We had a cover that was placed over the keys to hide them and our hands went under the cover while typing. I learned to type this way, consequently I am a touch typer, and do not have to look at the keys to type. In fact if I do look, I make mistakes!!
Now I see these typewriters in antique shops and think like this one they bring back fond memories of simple times, they hold fond memories of simple times and have taught me lessons I still remember to this day! That can't be obselete!
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  1. Love the composition and tones! What a cool photo! Thank you for sharing!

  2. Lovely photo. I'm full of admiration for people like you who could touch-type on these old machines - my typing was the two-fingered variety, as the keys were too strong for my fingers!

  3. Great subject and composition. Enjoyed your story, I have very similar memories of homeroom.

  4. Beautiful your header!

  5. Love how you added the photos to the keyboard in keeping with your story. I had some similar experiences too but not enough to remain a touch-typist.

  6. I am of the younger generation who didnt take typing classes, hence have to stare at the keys as I go. I end up doing a lot of backtracking to fix mistakes lol! Gorgeous shot!

  7. My memories of learning to type, too.
    You created a wonderful photo,
    one I can easily relate to.

  8. Beautiful composition.

    Regards and best wishes

  9. Ah, yes, the good old typewriter. I remember, apart from seeing my mother use one at her workplace, having one to play with at my Nana's house - I spent hours tap tapping away. You've captured this in an emotive way.

  10. Love the B&W ... love the memories too. I learned to type on a manual typewriter. It's fun to see young'uns come to work and still have to use electric typewriters for some forms. When the ribbon runs out, they don't know what to do. LOL.


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