Saturday, September 24, 2011

Camera Critters

It turns out Lucy was a friendly Rotweiller, but when she came down the wharf and plunked herself down in front of where I was sitting, I had my moment of wondering if I was safe. Turns out she was a big marshmallow!!

Captured on a Bull Rush in the pond back our our house.


  1. I love Rotties! I used to have one, but she was put to sleep because of cancer. She too, was a marshmallow!

    Both of your shots are wonderful, but I'm partial to the Rottie one! LOL

  2. Beautiful critters.

    My critters, please come by when you get a chance, have a blessed Sunday!

  3. LOL - a big marshmallow! She does look very sweet.

  4. AWWW, Lucy is a cutie! They can be great dogs, as long as they are trained correctly. Wonderful photos.

  5. Miss Lucy is such a purdy girl! I love her expressive face.

    my camera critters


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