Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Watery Wednesday

I am back home from my out of town holiday and I had a wonderful time. We went to a lot of different places I have never been before, ate lots of good food and had good visits with family. I have lots of photos that are still on my camera and will get them off to the computer in the next couple of days. I have my son visiting here and my daughter will be here on the weekend so I will still be busy. Have to get my share of them now while they are visiting before they go back home and I won't see them again until next time.

A sunset water scene at Whiterock.
To see other photos of Watery Wednesday, please go and visit http://waterywednesday.blogspot.com/
I will have pictures from my holiday soon here for you!!


  1. Beautiful pic! Enjoy your time with your kids!

  2. this is gorgeous! i love the golden glow on the sides of the boats.

  3. Amazingly calming!!! I can almost hear the faint calls of birds in the distance.


    Hope you find time to visit. Have a glorious Wednesday.

  4. I love shots of sailboats, yours is wonderful. Great shot.

    I love your header.


I very much appreciate and Thank You for all of your kind comments!