Sunday, August 21, 2011

Macro Monday

It seems that in the last couple of weeks of August, summer is finally showing itself here. I can't remember a cooler, grayer summer than this one. I thnk we had about three nice days in the whole month of July and August has been much the same until this week. Today is the first time I turned my fan on inside the house to move around the humid air.
As for cooling off, I could but won't eat a gallon of this stuff! Ice cream screams summer and for the moments of eating it, cools you down.
Raspberry Cheesecake Ice Cream hits the spot!
To see more photos of Macro Monday, please go and visit


  1. Great macro work!! Have a marvelous Monday!! :)

  2. Hubby and I were just at the store and almost got cheesecake but opted for banana split instead. :)
    This looks and sounds delicious!
    I love the color.
    Yummy shot!

  3. this is great to look at, did it last long though? :) lovely to meet you and your blog!

  4. That looks so delicious! We've had a super hot summer here, and now we've finally had some cooler weather, but ice cream helps with the cooling process, that's for sure!

  5. Ahh- that certainly makes my day- delightful


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