Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Watery Wednesday

We have had a very late spring/summer season this year. It has been cool, cloudy with more than the usual rain day in and day out. It even snowed in the mountain passes as late as a couple of weeks ago. The cooler weather has meant that the snow packs are slower to melt and with the increased rain we have had, we are having flooding conditions. Here are some SOOC pictures for you taken the other day down at the bottom of the Mission bridge.
These trees are actually on the berm above where the water line should be. There is a road under that water too.

The Slow sign actually is on the side of the road. The water level should be way over to the right.

Turnaround area at the end of the road. I guess for boats right now!

You can almost see the road under the water!

Its not safe to try and walk in the water. The river is the Fraser River and its especially dangerous when it is flooding.

The Mission Bridge spans the Fraser River and connects Abbotsford and Mission.

To see more photos of Watery Wednesday, please go and visit http://waterywednesday.blogspot.com/


  1. That sure is a lot of water, but great for Watery Wednesday!

  2. You gave us a good reference point for the water line. Hopefully things will get back to normal. The bridge has a nice color to it. Great post!

    Living So Abundantly: New meme starting tomorrow, July 7, 2011, Give Back Thursday--come join the fun!

  3. i hope these flood waters would be gone soon. i love the photos of trees in the water--reminds me a lake i visited a few years ago. if only this was a lake, not flooding. we have floods and landslides here for the past 3 days.


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