Sunday, July 17, 2011

A Very Mellow Yellow Macro Monday

I have been featuring photos from Hilda's Tribute Garden, which we visited a couple of weeks ago. She had garden signs all over her garden which she designed and painted herself. Her hubby did the metal work for each sign. Here are just a sampling of some of the signs in her garden.

There were many more signs but I am sure blogger would of cut me off sometime!!!

Check out Mellow Yellow Monday to find more photos:


  1. The signs made me smile. Thanks for sharing!

    Macro Monday

  2. Love, love, LOVED this post. Seems we all need the Garden of Weedin' ----at least I know I do! rofl.

    What a fun post.

    LIGHT OF MY LIFE is my Macro Monday Link
    Hope you can find time to stop in and give me a :::howdy:::
    Enjoy your week ahead!!!

  3. Love all your quotes. They are simple and meaningful.


I very much appreciate and Thank You for all of your kind comments!