Saturday, July 9, 2011

Critters and Flowers

Rhododendroms on thier last few days, its kind of sad when we wait all year to see certain flowers, and they are at the end of their seasons. We wait again until next year.
Butterflies are out though, a beautiful and fleeting moment caught.

Pink Fuchias for you as well!!
Go and check out the above websites for more examples of flowers and critters!!!


  1. the fuchsias are are delightful. great capture of the butterfly.

  2. Gorgeous blooms! Love the butterfy too.

    Today's Flower at my end, hope you can drop by,. Have a blessed Sunday!

  3. Great capture of the butterfly. I have never has a fuchsias plant as have heard they are tempermental thought very pretty

  4. I'm still waiting for a good butterfly shot. :)
    Great capture!
    The fushia is quite lovely.
    Hope you had a wonderful weekend.


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