Sunday, June 12, 2011

Macro Monday

Maya eats Cake.
At the recent wedding my hubby and I did the photography for, we met Maya. She was a young child that I met when I sat down to take her picture while she was eating cake.

Maya had waited all evening for her piece of cake. She got a side plate of mixed berries that she carefully stacked on top of her cake and then drank the berry juice off the plate.

Her slice of cake was a masterpiece. Just the way she planned and created.

Time to dig in. Every mouthful has to have cake, icing and some of those carefully arranged berries on top. Its all about the cake!

I was fascinated by Maya and her cake. So many times I have passed on the cake for lots of reasons that I thought were good at the time. I denied cake to myself and I denied the pleasure of the experience of eating cake.

We can't have cake, why it would cause weight gain! A simple pleasure in life we deny ourselves for selfish reasons.

Sometimes the guilt of even thinking of having a piece of cake is enough to cause us to turn the cake down. Guilt can make us feel bad, can ruin a good experience and can create in us a pattern of self hate if we break down and give in to the cake. We should of been stronger, we should of had the will power to deny ourself the pleasure of a piece of cake.

I think there might come a day when Maya denies herself the pleasure of endulging in cake, but for now she got so much joy out of a simple treat. She waited patiently for it, she decorated the cake to make it even more enjoyable and she ate it slowly and carefully to enjoy each and every bite.

And she got it all over her face which was just fine too.
I learned something from Maya and her cake. Life is too short. You can have your cake and eat it too, and enjoy it thouroughly while you were at it. Don't guilt your self out of it, its the simple pleasures in life that make life so pleasureable.
To see more photos of Macro Monday please go and visit


  1. She is really beautiful and pictures, marvelous. Congrats!!!!

    Thanks for you stopping by my blog. I´ll follow you.

    NIce week, dear

  2. Great tells such a nice story. I have learned that I can still have cake...just make it a small portion!

  3. Glorious portraits! Captured her innocence just beautifully. I'd venture to say that the wedding photos were a big hit too.

  4. Maya is absolutely adorable, and that cake looks absolutely sinful!!! :-)
    Wonderful photographs!


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