Sunday, May 1, 2011

Macro Monday

Magnolia blossoms are just starting to bloom. These blossoms can be quite dramatic and produce a good show on the tree when in full bloom.
they smell beautiful too.

I guess if you have to rake up all the fallen petals you might not be so enamoured with them!

The variety of soft pinks and cream colours are gorgeous too!

To see more photos of Macro Monday, please go and visit


  1. They are so photogenic.
    I like the way you presented them, with a bit of the brown stalk to contrast the creamy whiteness.

  2. Oh lovely, soft and delicate, just beautiful.

  3. Lindas, perfeitas! Dá para ver a textura dos talos das flores!

  4. These are my favorite things about spring, and you have captured them so beautifully!

  5. Beautiful shots! I also really love your header!


I very much appreciate and Thank You for all of your kind comments!